MADHOK, SHRI BAL RAJ; B.A. (Hons-), M.A.; J.S. (Delhi-South Delhi-1967): s. of Shri Jagan Nath Madhok; b. at Askardu (Jammu & Kashmir State), February 25, 1920; ed. at Shri Pratap High School, Srinagar, Shri Ranbir High School, Jammu, Prince of Walse Collage , Jammu and D.A.V. Collage , Lahore; m. Shrimati Kamla Madhok; 2 d.; Teacher; Head of the Department of History, P.G.D.A.V. College. New Delhi; edited “Organiser” an English Weekly, 1947-48 and “Veer Arjun”, a Hindi Weekly, in 1948; Founder-Secretary, Jammu and Kashmir Praja Parishad; Founder-Secretary, Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad; Founder-Member, Bhartiya Jan Sangh; Secretary, All India Jan Sangh, 1952—66; President, Delhi State Jan Sangh, 1954—63; President, All India Jan Sangh, since April, 1966; Member, Anti-Corruption Committee of the Delhi Administration, 1962-63; Member, Second Lok Sabha, 1961-62.
Social activities: Secretary, Dr. S. P. Mukerjee Memorial Committee; Secretary, Haryana Relief Committee; Convener, 1947 Martyrs Memorial Committee; Executive Chairman, Forum of International Affairs; Member, (1) Council of World Affairs; (2) Indian History Congress; (3) Delhi University Court.
Hobbies: Writing and gardening.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Hockey, Swimming , Hiking , and mountaineering.
Special interests: Foreign affairs, defence and education.
Publications: In English:—1 Communal Problem, Causes and Solution; (2) Kashmir Divided;. (3) Hindu Rashtra—A study in Indian Nationalism; (4) Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukerjee—A Biography: (5) Political Trends in India; (6) Kashmir-Centre of New Alignment; (7) Why Jan Sangh, In Hindi;—(1) Khandit Kashmir; (2) Hindu Rashtra; (3) Bharat Ki Rajniti—Vikas tatha Pravritian; (4) Bharat Ki Suraksha; (5) Bharat aur Sansar; (6) Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukerjee—Ek Jiwani; (7) Jeet Ya Haar (Novel).
Travels abroad: South Vietnam, Formosa, Japan, U.S.A., U.K., France, West Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Afghanistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, Laos, Cambodia and Philippines.
Permanent address: J-394, New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-5.