Shri Balasahib alias Balwant Patil Member of Parliament (MP) from Miraj (Bombay) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Balasahib alias Balwant Patil

Political Party: Peasants And Workers` Party of India

Constituency & State: Miraj (Bombay)

Lok Sabha Experience: 2

Second Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

PATIL, SHRI BALASAHIB, alias BALWANT, MA, LL.B., PWP.., (Bombay—Miraj—1957): S. of Shri Pandurang Vyanka Patil; B. at village Itkare, Walwa Taluka, South Satara District, Bombay State, July 15, 1922; ed. at Bombay University and Poona University; m.Shrimati Kamala, 1952; 1 D.; Advocate; Registrar’s Nominee for Walwa and Miraj Taluka in South Satara District; Vice-President, Miraj Taluka Kamagar Union, Hume Pipe Workers Union and General Workers Union; President, NagarPalik Workers Union, South Satara District; Member, Hind Education Society, Miraj and Chairman of the Council; An active participant in the activities of Tarun Bharat Vyayam Mandal, Sangli; Editor of the Weekly “Jansatta“,

Hobbies: Agriculture and gardening.

Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading books on political thought and economics.

Sports: Cricket and Indian games.

Publications: “The Tenancy Act as amended in 1955 (in Marathi).

Permanent Address: 263, Ganapati Peth, Sangli, South Satara District, Bombay State.

[Voting results at the Election:

Electorate: 3,70,250

Shri Balasahib Patil alias Balwant .. 1,30,854 

Shri Vithal Sakharam Page ..          1,12,751]


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