PARULEKAR, SHRI BAPU SAHEB, LL.B. [Janata—Maharashtra, Ratnagiri, 1980] s. of Shri Kashinath Laxman Parulekar; b. at. Bandra, Bombay, July II, 1929: ed. at Phatak High School, Ratnagiri, Elphinstone College, Bombay, Syke’s Law College Kolhapur and Pune Law College, Pune; m. Smt. Neela Parulekar, March 31, 1951, 4 s.; Advocate; previously associated with Jan Sangh since 1952 till its merger with Janata Party; detained during the agitation of Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti For the formation of Maharashtra State; Also detained under MISA for 16 months; President, (i) Ratnagiri District Jan Sangh, 1960-70 and (ii) Ratnagiri District Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti, 1957-60: Chairman, Vice-Chairman and President of many educational and cultural institutions running schools and colleges in Ratnagiri District; Promoter Member and Director, Ratnagiri Rotary Club since 1952; Member, (i) Postal Advisory Committee for Maharashtra State, 1978-79, (ii) Railway Users Committee, Central Zone, 1978-79 and (iii) Agricultural Council for Development of Cereals, I978-79; President, Ratnagiri Municipal Council, 1960-61 and Chairman of its various Statutory Committees: Member, Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79 and (i) Public Accounts Committee, 1978-79 and (ii) Consultative Committee of the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, 1977-79.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Sight-seeing and reading.
Special interests: History, Law and Educational activities.
Sports and clubs: Tennis and Cricket.
Travels abroad: Italy, France, U.K., Holland, Denmark and Germany.
Permanent address: Anand Bhavan, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra.