Shri Bharat Ram Meghwal Member of Parliament (MP) from Ganganagar (SC)(Rajasthan) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Bharat Ram Meghwal

Political Party: Indian National Congress

Constituency & State: Ganganagar (SC)(Rajasthan)

Lok Sabha Experience: 15


Fifteenth Lok Sabha


Members Bioprofile
Meghwal, Shri Bharat Ram
Constituency   : Ganganagar -SC (Rajasthan)
Party Name     : Indian National Congress (INC)
Email Address : 1[DOT] brmpgnr[AT]rediffmail[DOT]com
2[DOT] bharatram[DOT]meghwal[AT]sansad[DOT]nic[DOT]in
Father’s Name Shri Jugla Ram
Mother’s Name Smt. Shanti Devi
Date of Birth 11 Jan 1956
Place of Birth Vll. Fatehpur, Distt. Alwar (Rajasthan)
Marital Status Married
Date of Marriage 19 May 1983
Spouse’s Name Smt. Geeta Devi
No. of Sons 2
B.A., B.Ed.
Educated at Rajasthan University, Jaipur and Kota Open
University, Kota, Rajasthan
Profession Agriculturist
Permanent Address
Sanjay Colony, Ward No. 21,
Rawatsar, Distt. Hanumangarh
Rajasthan – 335 524
Tels. (01537) 231862, 09413382862 (M)
Fax. (01537) 230862
Present Address
64, South Avenue,
New Delhi – 110 011
Tels. (011) 23795180, 9013180337 (M)
Fax. (011) 23795198
Positions Held
2009 Elected to 15th Lok Sabha
31 Aug. 2009 Member, Standing Committee on Industry
16 Sep. 2009 Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Food Processing Industries
23 Sep. 2009 Member, Library Committee
29 Jul. 2010 President, India-Cyprus Parliamentary Friendship Group
Literary, Artistic & Scientific Accomplishments
Worked for social awareness about literature by organising conferences on literatures, poets etc. through Hindi Sahitya Parishad, instrumental in opening libraries, promoted new literatures by giving them incentives, studies Hindi literature, raised new artists under the banner of Shri Sanatan Dharm Ram Natya Parishad; organised drawing competitions with major topic as environment and rural culture.
Social And Cultural Activities
Since student life interested in various social work taking out prabhat pheris in the morning, cleaning Harijan localities, promoting adult education, persuading children of illiterate families to go to school, providing relief to the affected during famines, flood; organise regularly debate competitions among school children and adults; and staging religious, social and patriotic plays
Special Interests
Studies and politics
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Viewing religious serials and patriotic film; cracking and listening jokes
Sports and Clubs
Organising cricket matches and traditional games like kabaddi, wrestling and kho-kho through youth in the villages
Other Information
Patron, Bharat Ram Mordiya Smarak Nyas, New Delhi, 2 October 2009


These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email:

Important Links:

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Go to Rajasthan MP Election Page

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