Shri Biren Roy Member of Parliament (MP) from Calcutta South West (West Bengal) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Biren Roy

Political Party: Independents

Constituency & State: Calcutta South West (West Bengal)

Lok Sabha Experience: 2

Second Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

ROY, SHRI BIREN, Ind., (West Bengal—Calcutta South-West—1957): S. of late Sourin Roy; B. Calcutta, August 28, 1910; ed. at Calcutta University, completed B. Sc. (Physics, Hons.) but was completed to leave studies due to part taken in Simon Commission agitation; m. Shrimati Meghmala Debi, July 1939; Writer and journalist; Founder, All Bengal Students Association, 1928; Chairman, South Suburban Municipality, Behala (1932-‘ 48); Founder and President, All Bengal Municipal Association (1936);President, West Bengal Municipal Association (1949-50 and 1956-57); Chairman, The Aero Club of India, New Delhi (1949-51); President, the Indian Society of Aeronautical Engineers (1949-51) and Indian Aeromodellers’ Association; President, The Bengal Flying Club Ltd. (1948-50 and 1956-57); Member, Royal Aeronautical Society, Gt Britain, and the Aeronautical Society of India; Editor, “the Indian Airman; Member, Administrative Council Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI), Paris; Life Member, Indian Science Congress Assn.; Parliamentary Secretary, Govt. of Bengal (1943-44), resigned due to political disagreement; Member, Bengal Legislative Council (1943-47); Member, West Bengal Legislative Assembly (1952-57); Member of the Congress Party till 1950; A pioneer aviator and active pilot since 1930; Represented India officially in 1936 at the World Municipal Congress at Berlin; Got the Aero Club of India affiliated with the FAI (Paris); Organised and helped in the formation of the Indian Institute (Munich) in Germany; Organised Indian Society of Aeronautical Engineers and was its President from 1949 to 1951; Designed in 1948 a sports aircraft approved by the DGCA in India and air authorities in Europe; Organised an international relief hospital during the 1943 famine in the Calcutta area; Donor of an Annexe to the hospital at Behala; Founder, donor and President of Behala Girls’ High School (renamed Shyamasundari Vidyapith); Founder, Behala Maternity Home and Social Service League and Arya Samity.

Hobbies: Travel, flying, photography including amateur cine, radio and stamp collection.

Favourite pastime and recreation: Motoring, journalism and international correspondence.

Special interests: Aviation and municipal government.

Sports and Clubs: Member, Mohun Bagan Club since 1925; Life Member, Automobile Assn., Bengal, Bengal Flying Club, Hind Provincial Flying Club (U.P.), Delhi Flying Club, Aero Club of India (Delhi) and Calcutta Club.

Travels abroad: Egypt, England, Holland, France, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany (pre-war) and West Germany, Czechoslavakia, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Austria, Pakistan, Ceylon and Luxemburg.

PublicationsFlying for All, Everyman’s Year Book (1932); Science of Radio and practical set construction in Hindi and Bengali; Kheyali (Revolutionary Bengali novel); Practical Cinematography (Bengali) etc. Editor: Indian Airman (Illustrated Aviation Monthly), and author of a new version of the Mahabharata in English and German.

Permanent address: Behala, Calcutta—34.

[Voting results at the Election:

Electorate: 4,03,282

Shri Biren Roy ..             94,944

Shri Ashim Krishna Dutt .. 82,406

Shri Rajani Mukherjee ..    11,297]


These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email: [email protected]

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