Name of Member: Shri C.R. Narasimhan
Political Party: Congress
Constituency & State: Krishnagiri (Madras)
Lok Sabha Experience: 1,2
Second Lok Sabha |
Members Bioprofile |
NARASIMHAN, SHRI C. R., Cong., (Madras—Krishnagiri-1957):S. of Shri C. Rajagopalachari; B. Salem, 1909; Bachelor; Social worker; Participated in the rural welfare work conducted by the Gandhi Seva Sangha; Took interst in Hindi Prachar; Suffered imprisonment in 1930 Satyagraha; Held executive office in Taluk and Dirsict congress organisations in Salem Dirstict; Honorary Member, Billiard Association of India ; First Lok Sabha, 1952-57.
Recreation: Billiards and Chess.
Permanent address: 60, Bazululla Road, Thyagarajanagar, Madras-17.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,47,374
Shri C. R. Narasimhan .. 57,683
Shri G. D. Naidu .. 57,316
Shri R. Muthulingam .. 15,607
Shri Jagannathan .. 13,578]
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