CHANDRAM, SHRI*, M.A., LL.B. [Janata Dal** —Uttar Pradesh, Hardoi (SC), 1990]: s. of Mange Ram; b. at Kharhar, Rohtak District, Haryana, June 24, 1923; ed. at Punjab University, Lahore (now in Pakistan), Delhi University; m. Durga Devi, March 16, 1949, 2 s. and 4 d.; Agriculturist, Social Worker, Journalist, Economist;
Public Offices held: Dy. Minister, Panchayat & Welfare, Punjab, 1956-57; Dy. Chairman, Punjab Legislative Council, 1958—62; Minister of State, Panchayat & Welfare, Punjab, 1962; Cabinet Minister, Punjab, 1965-66; Dy. Chief Minister, Haryana, 1966-67; Union Minister of State, Shipping & Transport, August 1977-July 1979;
Previous Association with Political Parties: Member, PCC, Punjab, 1952-66; Gen. Secy. DCC, Rohtak, Punjab, 1954; Member, AICC, 1958-66; President, BLD, Haryana, 1974-77; President, JP, Haryana, 1977-78; Member, Executive Committee and Parliamentary Board, JP, 1977-78;
Previous Membership: Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977—79; Legislative Assembly, Punjab, 1952—57, 1962—66, and Haryana, 1966-67, 1968-77; Member, Legislative Council, Punjab, 1958-62;
Committee Experience: Member, Estimates Committee, Punjab Legislative Assembly, 1952—56; Chairman, Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Haryana Legislative Assembly, 1968—72; Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Defence, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Gardening;
Travels Abroad: Afghanistan, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, Switzerland, UK, USSR;
Sports and Clubs: Football, Volleyball, Kabaddi, Playing Cards;
Social Activities: Welfare of SC, ST and other depressed classes; promotion of education for the poor and the adults; campaigns against expensive marriages and for abolition of dowry;
Other Information: Successfully launched Satyagraha in 1947 for restoration of agricultural and to the farmers; District Welfare Officer, 1948; Member, District Board, Rohtak, 1950; Executive Officer Rohtak Municipality, 1950-52;
Permanent Address: 543/19, Ramidas Nagar (Arya Nagar), Rohtak, Haryana.
*Elected in a bye-election on March 1, 1990, caused by the resignation of Shri Parmai Lal on December 11, 1989).
** Member, Janata Dal (S) with effect from January, 11, 1991. |