Name of Member: Shri Chandra Kishore Pathak
Political Party: Congress (I)
Constituency & State: Saharsa (Bihar)
Lok Sabha Experience: 8
8th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
PATHAK, SHRI CHANDRA KISHORE [Congress (I)—Bihar, Saharsa, 1984] s. of late Pt. Harivans Pathak; b. at Karnpur, February 1915; Widower; 1 s. (adopted); Social Worker; previously associated with Socialist Party and Praja Socialist Party; participated in freedom movement, and was imprisoned for about 5 years in 1930, 1940, 1942; President, District Congress Party; General Secretary, District Socialist Party; Member, National Council Socialist Party; Chairman, Zila Parishad.
Social activities: Worked for elimination of untouchability and constructive work through Bharat Sewak Samaj; married intercaste and was outcast for 10 years for working for removal of untouchability; conducted several social upliftment works through Seva Sangh.
Special interests: Gardening (especially, planting new plants).
Travels abroad: Nepal.
Permanent address: Village and P.O. Karnpur, Saharsa District, Bihar.
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