GOWDA, SHRI D.M. PUTTE, B.E., [Congress (I)-Karnataka, Chikmagalur, 1989]: s. of Late D. Malle Gowda; b. at Makonahally, Chickmagalur District, Karnataka, May 5, 1935; ed. at University College of Engineering, Bangalore; m. N.B. Kalavathi, May 20, 1961, 1 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist, Engineer, Social Worker;
Previous Association with Political Parties: President, District Congress Committee(I), Chikmagalur, Karnataka, 1979-82, Treasurer, Pradesh Congress Committee(I), Karnataka, 1984-85;
Previous Membership: Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980-84;
Committee Experience: Member, Committee on Petitions and Consultative Committee, Ministry of Commerce and Tourism, 7th Lok Sabha; Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Commerce and Tourism, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading, travelling, sports;
Delegation to Foreign Countries: Member, IPD to South Korea, 1983, represented India at International Coffee Conference, London, 1982, 1983 and 1984;
Travels Abroad: Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, U.K., USA;
Special Interests: Coffee cultivation, processing and marketing; rural development; family welfare;
Sports and Clubs: Badminton, Table Tennis;
Social Activities: Upliftment of SCs and STs, provision of housing facilities to them; Founder Chairman, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial General Hospital Trust, Mudigere from 1968; Chairman, Indian Red Cross Society, Mudigere, 1978;
Other Information: President, Taluka Development Board, Mudigere, 1968—74; Vice-Chairman, Coffee Board, 1984 and Cardamom Board, 1985; Member, Coffee Board, April 23, 1990;
Permanent Address: P.O. Makonahalli, T.K. Mudigere, District Chickmagalur, Karnataka.