NAIK, SHRI D. J., B.A., Cong., (Gujarat—Panchmahals—1962): S. of Shri Jivanji Naik; B. Bhandut, District Surat, May 26, 1901; ed. M.T.B., Arts College, Surat and Gujrat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad; married; 2 S. and 2 D.; Social worker; Suffered imprisonment in 1930 for 11 months for participation in Satyagraha movement and for one year in 1942 Quit India Movement; Hony. Secretary, Governor’s Assam Earthquake Relief Fund, 1950-51; Member, Bombay Legislative Council, 1952—54; was Member (1) Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes Commission; (2) Tribal Advisory Council of Bombay State and thereafter Gujrat State; Secretary, Bhil Seva Mandal upto 1950 and its President since 1951; was awarded “Padma Shri”, 1960; Sanchalak, Sarvodaya Scheme, Panchmahals upto 1961; President, District Local Board, Panchmahals since 1949; Vice-Chairman, Panchmahals District Panchayat Council and a member of the State Panchayat Council; one of the Secretaries, Bhartiya Adimjati Sevak Sang, New Delhi; Member, Executive Committee, Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee.
Social activities: Took part in organising cooperative movement among the scheduled tribes, Panchmahals. Organised Forest Labourers Cooperatives in the district of Panchmahals, Bardoa, Sabarkantha and Banaskantha. Organised Cooperative Banking Union in Dohad, 1947 and worked as its Managing Director, Organised Panchmahals District Cooperative Bank in 1955 and served as its Chairman since its inception.
Hobby: Gardening.
Permanent address: Bhil Sevak Mandal, Dohad, Distrk; Panchmahals.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,08,269
Shri D. J. Naik . . 85,380
Shri Pratapsinh Hirabhai Patel . . 69,147
Shri Amul M. Desai . . 27,226
Shri Chalurbhai S. Patel . . 7,973].