SARAN, SHRI DAULAT RAM [JanataDal*—Rajasthan, Churu, 1989]: s. of Shri Dula Ram Saran: b. at Dhani Panchera, Churu District, Rajasthan, January 13, 1924; ed, at Sardar Shahar Hissar, Matric; m. Jadav Devi, 3 s. and 4 d.; Agriculturist, political and Social worker; participated in freedom struggle;
Public Offices held: Dy. Minister, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Cooperatives, Panchayat, Local Self Government, Irrigation, Rajasthan, 1957-66; Union Minister, Urban Development, November 21, 1990;
Previous Association with Political Parties: Gen. Secy. DCC, Churu, Rajasthan, 1948-50; President, DCC, Churu, Rajasthan, 1950-57; Gen. Secy. JP, Rajasthan, 1967-68; Member, BKD Rajasthan, 1968; State Party President, Lok Dal, Rajasthan: Chairman, Parliamentary Board, JD, Rajasthan, 1989;
Previous Membership: Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79, Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980-84; Legislative Assembly, Rajasthan, 1967-72;
Committee Experience: Member, Public Accounts Committee, Rajasthan Legislative Assembly; Member, Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committee and House Committee, 7th Lok Sabha; Member, Rules Committee, January 19, 1990, Business Advisory Committee, December 22, 1989, Committee on Public Undertakings, May 1, 1990, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Commerce and Tourism, 1990 and Consultative Committee constituted under the ‘Punjab State Legislature (Delegation of Powers) Act, 1987’ January 29, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Social service, travelling;
Publications: Articles on social and political subjects;
Special Interests: Horticulture;
Sports and Clubs: Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Gulli Danda;
Social Activities: Removal of social evils like untouchability, dowry, child marriage, purdah system and ritual practices like post-death feasts; opening of schools, libraries; organising camps for adult education; protecting ecology in villages; Founder. Gramodhan Vidyapeeth, Sangaria, Rajasthan; associated with Gandhi Vidhya Mandir, Sardar Shahar, Rajasthan;
Other Information: Member, Pratinidhi Sabha, Rajya Praja Parishad, Bikaner, Rajasthan, 1945-48; Chairman, District Board, Rajasthan, 1956;
Permanent Address: C-153, Dashrath Marg, Hanuman Nagar, Khatipura, Jaipur-12, Rajasthan, Tel. Nos. 68309, 65353.
*Member, Janata Dal (S) with effect from January 11, 1991.