PATIL, SHRI DEORAO S., Cong.. (Maharashtra-Yeotmal—1967): s. of Shri Shioram; b. at Loni, July 1, 1915; ed. at Govt. High School, Yeotmal; m. Shrimati Watchhalabai, April 20, 1928; 5 s.; Agriculturist; left studies in 1933 and joined the National Movement; took part in all the activities of Congress; Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat, Loni. 1936—46; President, Sakshrata Prasarak Mandal, 1933—46, and Janpad Sabha, Darwha, 1948—62; Member,— (i) Executive Body, Central Bank of Darwha, 1950, 1954, (ii) Shivaji Education Society, Amravati, (iii) Vidarbha Pradesh Congress Committee, 1950, (iv) Maharashtra Congress Committee, 1960—62, (v) Executive Committee, Yeotmal District Congress Committee from 1962, (vi) Executive Committee, Maharashtra Pradesh Adivasi Seva Mandal, Bombay, (vii) Governing Body, Yeotmal District Cooperative Spinning and Weaving Mill, Yeotmal, (viii) Executive Committee, Farmers’ Parliamentary Forum, (ix) A.I.C.C. Study Cell on Land Reforms, (x) Citizens Central Council, 1962, (xi) Maharashtra State Advisory Committee on Panchayati Raj; (xii) Railway Users Consultative Committees, Bombay and Nagpur, (xiii) Maharashtra State Forest and Rural Development Committee, (xiv) Land Reforms and Agricultural Labour Committee in Planning Commission; Member,— (i) Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1952 and acted as Secretary, Janata Paksh Party in the Assembly, (ii) Bombay Legislative Assembly, 1957, (iii) Maharashtra State Legislative Assembly, 1957—62, (iv) Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67, and Parliamentary Committees on the Draft Fourth Five Year Plan; Convenor, Maharashtra State Congress Party in Parliament from 1964.
Social activities: Organised village panchayats and other village uplift schemes; appeared before the Lokur Committee and represented the case of left-out tribes and the scheduled tribes residing outside the Scheduled Area.
Special interests: Agriculture; uplift of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes; rural and Harijan uplift; removal of illiteracy and upliftment of weaker sections of the society.
Permanent address: Loni Taq, Darwha, Distt. Yeotmal, Maharashtra.