Shri Devi Lal Member of Parliament (MP) from Sikar (Rajasthan) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Devi Lal

Political Party: Janata Dal

Constituency & State: Sikar (Rajasthan)

Lok Sabha Experience: 7,9

9th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

DEVI LAL, SHRI [Janata Dal*—Rajasthan, Sikar, 1989]:  s. of Ch. Lekh Ram; b. at Teja Khera, Sirsa District, Haryana, September 25, 1914; m. Harkhi Devi, 1926, 4 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist, Political and Social Worker; participated in freedom struggle;

Public Offices held:  Chief Parliamentary Secretary, Govt. of Punjab, 1956, Chief Minister, Haryana, 1977—79, 1987—89, Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister of Agriculture, December 1989-August 1990, Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister of Agriculture and Tourism, November 10, 1990;

Previous Association with Political Parties:  Initially associated with INC and later on with BKD and JP; President, PCC Punjab, 1958; Chairman, Parliamentary Board, JD for one year;

Previous Membership:  Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980-84; Legislative Assembly, Punjab, 1952—57, 1958-62, 1962—67; Legislative Assembly,, Haryana, 1974—77, 1977—80, 1987—89;

Favourite Pastime and Recreation:  Reading, gardening;

Travels Abroad:  USA; 

Special Interests:  Farming, welfare of the masses;

Sports and Clubs:  Associated with various sports activities in youth, interested in watching sports events;

Social Activities:  Welfare of the downtrodden and redressal of public grievances;

Other Information:  Chairman, Khadi Board, Haryana, 1968-71; 

Permanent Address:  Vill. Chautala, Distt Sirsa, Haryana.


*Member, Janata Dal(S) with effect from January 11, 1991

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