Name of Member: Shri Girajala Venkata Swamy Naidu
Political Party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Constituency & State: Rajahmundry (ST)(Andhra Pradesh)
Lok Sabha Experience: 12
Father's Name Late Shri Girajalaveeraju Date of Birth 2 February 1955 Place of Birth Kadiyam, Distt. East Godavari (Andhra Pradesh) Marital Status Married on 1 May 1973 Spouse's Name Smt. Adi Lakshmi Children Two sons and one daughter Educational Qualifications Intermediate Profession Agriculturist, Political and Social Worker, Trader and Industrialist Permanent Address Kadiyam Distt. East Godavari-533126 (Andhra Pradesh) Tels. (0883) 453388, 445670, 443344 Fax (0883) 69815 Present Address B-704, M.S. Flats, B.K.S. Marg, New Delhi-110001 Tel. (011) 3717678 Positions Held 1983 Member, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly 1998 Elected to 12th Lok Sabha 1998-99 Member, Committee on Commerce Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Power Social and Cultural Activities Welfare of the poor farming community of all classes; construction of link roads, water works; establishment of new schools; rural housing and relief work; social service, upliftment of the downtrodden, weaker sections, and assistance to the needy poor; and working for the promotion of social and cultural activities in rural areas Special Interests Development of cooperative credit societies, rural development, Panchayati raj, public services, dry land farming and agricultural development in constituency; and improvement of rural economy through livestock, floriculture and agriculture Sports and Clubs Volley Ball, promotion of sports/sportspersons by organising tournaments in rural areas Other Information President, Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society (PACS), Kadiyam (three terms), Distt. East Godavari (Andhra Pradesh); Chairman, PACS, Rajahmundry Region, Distt. East Godavari; Delegate, IFFCO, New Delhi; and Member, Tobacco Board, 1998-99
Election Result of
Rajahmundry Lok Sabha Constituency
Total electorate 11,20,889
Total votes polled 7,90,231
Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates
(1) Shri Girajala Venkata Swamy Naidu (B.J.P.) 2,85,741
(2) Shri M.V.V.S. Murthi (T.D.P.) 2,75,829
(3) Shri T.V.Satyanarayana Reddy (I.N.C.) 2,10,901
(4) Shri M.Durgaprasad (Ind.) 3,440
These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email: [email protected]
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