Father’s NameDate of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Spouse’s Name
Educational Qualifications
Permanent Address
Present Address
Positions held
Books published
Social and Cultural Activities
Special Interests
Favourite Pastime
and Recreation
Sports and Clubs
Countries visited
Other Information
Late Shri Ram Chandra Gajapathi6th March, 1943
Parlakhemundi, Distt. Ganjam (Orissa)
Married on 14th March, 1967
Smt. Purna Devi Gajapathi
One son and one daughter
B.S., (Tech.) M.I.I.E. (Chem.)
Educated at A.C. College of Technology, University of Madras
Engineer, Sportsman and Agriculturist
Gajapathi Palace, P.O. Parlakhemundi, Distt. Ganjam-761200 (Orissa) Tel. 201, 297
90, South Avenue, New Delhi-110011. Tel. 3792288
Elected to Lok Sabha (Ninth)
Member, Subject Committee on Science and Technology; Member, Consultative Committee, Departments of Atomic Energy, Space, Electronics and Ocean Development; Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Science and Technology
Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth)
Design Thesis on ‘Manufacture of Urea-Formaldehyde Plastic Resin’: A Treatise on ‘the Extraction of Aluminium Metal’.
Forming voluntary organisations for welfare of the weaker sections/adivasis; promotion of education, irrigation projects and temples management
Reading, horticulture and social service
Games, sports, travelling and wildlife
Member, Madras Gymkhana Club, Madras Race Club, Bangalore Club, Bangalore Golf Club, Bangalore Turf Club, Ootacamund Club, Lawley Institute and Bhubaneswar Club
Europe, Nepal, UK and USA
Belongs to the popular and respected former ruling family of Parlakhemundi in Orissa; Member International Parliamentarians for Global Action, New York.