Name of Member: Shri J.S. Onkar Singh
Political Party: Janata Party
Constituency & State: Budaun (Uttar Pradesh)
Lok Sabha Experience: 3,4,6
6th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
ONKAR SINGH, SHRI J.S., Janata, (Uttar Pradesh – Badaun—1977) : s. of Shri Narayan Singhji b. at Bela Dandi, Badaun District; educated privately at Home; m. Smt. Prakashwati; 1 s. and 1 d.; agriculturist; previously associated with the Jan Sangh ; was Member, District Board, Badun , 1948; Chairman , Zila Parishad, Badaum, 1974 and again in 1976; Member (i) U. P. Legislative Assembly, 1952-57 and (ii) U. P, Legislative Council, 1958—62 Member, (i) Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67 and (i) Fourth Lok Sabha 1967— 70; was in detention under D.I.R. from August 1975 to August 1976.
Social activities: Setting up of educational institutions in the district with a view to encouraging literacy.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Gardening and reading.
Sports and clubs: Horse riding and swimming.
Permanent address: (i) Bela Dandi, Dataganj Tehsil, Badaun District, Uttar Pradesh, (ii) Civil Lines, Badaum Uttar Pradesh.
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