JAIPAL SINGH, SHRI M.A., (Oxford), Cong., [Bihar—Khunti—(Reserved—Sch. Tribes) .—1967]: s .of late Shri Amru Pahan; b. at Takra Pahantoli, Rahi Distt., January 3, 1903; ed. at St. Paul’s School Ranchi, St. Augustine’s Collage, Canterbury , England and St. John’s Collage, Oxford England; m. Shrimati Jahanara Jayaratnam May 7, 1954; 3 s. and 3 d.; First Indian covenanted Mercantile Assistant, Royal Dutch-Shell Group; Minister for Colonisation, Bikaner State; Civilian Adviser, Eastern Command Selection Board; Commercial Master, Achimota College, Ghana; Headmaster-designate and Officiating Vice-Principal, Rajkumar College, Raipur; Member, Board of Secondary Education, Bihar; President, (i) All India Adivasi Mahasabha, since 1939; (2) Jharkhand Party, since 1950; Member, Constituent Assembly; Provisional Parliament, First Lok Sabha, 1952-57, Second Lok Sabha, 1957-62 and Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67, Public Accounts Committee, Business Advisory Committee; Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes Commission, Press Commission, All-India Council of Sports, National Integration Council and Railway Accidents Enquiry Committee.
Social activities: Welfare work among Adivasis and backward classes.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Sports and travel.
Special interest: Adivasis and anthropology.
Sports and clubs: (1) President, Delhi Flying Club; (2) Delhi Fishing Club; Executive Member, National Sports Club of India; Member, Delhi Gymkhana Club, Delhi Golf Club and Darjeeling Gymkhana Club; President, Delhi Football Association and Delhi Hockey Association; Member, All-India Council of Sports; Oxford Blue at Hockey and Captain of the Indian Olympic Hockey Team at the Amsterdam Olympiad in 1928 which won the world Championship for India for the first time.
Travels abroad: Extensively travelled in Europe, Africa and America.
Publications: Articles on Adivasis and sports.
Permanent address: Ranchi, Bihar. |