WILSON, SHRI JOHN N., Cong., (Uttar Pradesh—Mirzapur—1957): S. of late Shri S. Wilson; B. Vrindaban, Dt. Mathura, December 25, 1895; ed. at Railway Boys High School, Dinapur, Patna; m. Shrimati Mabel Roseline Wilson, M.A., June 1947; Businessman; President, District and City Congress Committees; Member, Municipal Board; President, Public Health Committee, Municipal Board, Mirzapur; President, Girls Education Board, Mirzapur; Member, Uttar Pradesh P.C.C. since 1931 and Asstt. Secretary, 1938-40; Member, A.I.C.C., since 1946; Chairman, District Rural Development Board, 1946-50; Member, O.T. Railway, U.P. Advisory Committee, 1948-50; Member, High School and Intermediate Education Board, U.P. and Convener of its various sub-committees, 1948-52; Member, U.P. Labour Conciliation Board, 1949-50; Member, Allahabad University. Court, Allahabad, 1950-52; President of two High Schools in Mirzapur; Was in service of the E.I. Railway till the Railway Strike of 1922 when services were terminated for taking leading part in strike; Imprisoned in connection with Congress movement in 1930, 1932 and 1941, and again detained from August 1942 to April 1944; Chief Editor, Saptahik Nirman; Mirzapur; Member, U.P. Legislative Council, 1948-52; Member, First Lok Sabha, 1952-57.
Social activities: Founded two English Middle Schools in Khagole, Dinapur, Patna; Organised relief during floods and famine.
Hobbies: Gardening and keeping of domestic pets.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading and playing cards.
Special interest: Rural welfare.
Permanent address: Muzaffargunj, Mirzapur, U.P.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 7,91,225
Shri J. N. Wilson .. 1,78,807
Shri Shree Sadayatan .. 1,29,370
Shri Shiv Nath .. 72,172]