LAKKAPPA, SHRI K., B.A., B.L. [Congress (1)—Karnataka, Tumkur, 1980] s. of Shri Thope-Gowda; b. at Kondapura, Tumkur District, December 23, 1929; ed. at Mysore University; m. Smt. B. G. Puttamma; 4 s. and 2 d.; Advocate; previously associated with the P.S.P.; joined the Congress in 1970; Imprisoned several times in, connection with several Satyagrahas offered to ameliorate the conditions of the poorer classes by distribution of land to the landless; Member, Mysore State Executive of the Praja Socialist Party; Member K.P.C.C. and A.l.C.C; Member of several Government Committees at the Centre, Cardamom Board and Spices Development Board; Member Catering Committee, Indian Airlines appointed by the Government of India; Member Maharashtra, Karnataka Border Disputes Committee constituted by Karnataka Government, 1967-68; Member, Mysore Legislative Assembly, 1962-67; Member, Public Accounts Committee and Estimates Committee of State, Legislature; Member, (i) Fourth Lok Sabha 1967-70, (ii) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971-77 and (iii) Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79; Served on many consultative Committees like Defence, Foreign Trade, Agriculture, Industries, Law and Justice, Social Welfare; Member, Estimates Committee, Lok Sabha four times; also Member, Committee on Public Undertakings 1977-79; presently Member, (i) Business Advisory Committee, and (ii) Committee on Subordinate Legislation; Government Delegate to many countries on several occasions.
Social activities: Founded a number of educational institutions in the rural areas in Tumkur District; Founded an Association of the unemployed educated youth in Karnataka; Organising of Kisans, labourers and youth and uplift of the rural poor in the country.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading and Touring.
Special interests: Agriculture and Horticulture.
Sports and clubs: Basketball, Football and Swimming.
Travels abroad: Sri Lanka, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia. Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, U.K., France, Denmark, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, U.S.S.R., USA and Yugoslavia.
Permanent address: Someswar Extension, Tumkur, Karnataka.