Name of Member: Shri K.M. Koushik
Political Party: Swatantra Party
Constituency & State: Chanda (Maharashtra)
Lok Sabha Experience: 4
4th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
KOUSHIK. SHRI K. M., M.Sc., LL.B., Swa. (Maharashtra—Chanda—1967): s. of Shri Madhavra alias Venkatkrishna; b. at Manchanhalli, Mysore State, November 8, 1906; ed. at Central College, Bangalore and College of Science and Law College, Nagpur;. m. Shrimati Savithribai, June 2, 1929; 4 d.; Advocate; was Member of the Congress for 20 years; Public Prosecutor and Government Pleader in the former State of M.P. and the present State of Maharashtra, 1950—62.
Social activities: Interested in cultural activities like music and drama and is an office bearer of certain institutions furthering the cause of classical music; also interested in the tribals and as such made a close study of the Adivasis in, Chanda.
Permanent address: Advocate, Civil Lines, Chanda, Maharashtra.
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