DAS, SHRI KAMAL KRISHNA, Cong., [West Bengal— Birbhum (Reserved— Sch. Castes)—1957)]: S. of Shri Debendra Nath Das; B. Calcutta, January 21, 1921; ed. Privately; first married Shrimati Parul Das, 1941; after her death, married Shrimati Ila Das, December 13, 1956; 1 D.; General Supervisor of Debottar Estate and charitable institutions founded by his grandfather, Shri Dino Nath Das; Councillor, Calcutta Corporation, 1944-47; Ex-Member, Advisory Committee, R. G. Kar Medical College, Calcutta and of Leprosy Hospital, Gabra; Honorary Magistrate, Calcutta, 1945-48; Member, Indian Science Congress Association; Interested in the uplift of Scheduled Castes; Ex-President, North Calcutta Scheduled Castes Federation; Treasurer,.Calcutta Welfare Relief Association; Member, Executive Committee, Birbhum Sammilany; Member, Dinanath Dag Memorial Hall Committee, Suri, Birbhum; Vice-President, All-Bengal Rabidas Association; President, Managing Committee, Radha Gobindo Jiu High School, Khujutipara, Birbhum; Member, First Lok Sabha, 1952-57; Member, Central Coconut Committee, 1953-56 and Regional Whip in Lok Sabha, 1956-57.
Hobbies: Pilgrimage to places of archaeological interest, big game shooting and photography.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Tennis, Football, Fishing and Gardening.
Special interests: Study of History and foreign literature, Classical Music, Piano.
Clubs: Member, Aryans Club, Shambazar Tennis Club Calcutta and Central Calcutta Pragati Sangha.
Permanent Address: 4/A, Raja Raj Krishna Street, Calcutta-6.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 8,61,289
Shri Kamal Krishna Das .. 2,39,745
Shri Manmatha Nath Das .. 1,69,045]