Shri Kamla Prasad Singh Member of Parliament (MP) from Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Kamla Prasad Singh

Political Party: Congress (I)

Constituency & State: Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh)

Lok Sabha Experience: 8

8th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

SINGH SHRI KAMLA PKASAD, [Congress (I)—Uttar Pradesh, Jaunpur, 1984]  s. of Shri Santbaksh Singh; b. at Shahpur Village, Jaunpur District, October 10, 1934; ed. at Arya Secondary School, Leduka, Jaunpur m. Smt. Dhanraji Devi, 1950, 2 s. and 3 d.; Agriculturist and Businessman; imprisoned for 14 days in connection with agitation against  the arrest Smt. Indira Gandhi; General Secretary. D.C.C. Jaunpur; Member, State level 20-Point Programme Committee; Chairman, Sahakari Degree College, Mihrawn, Jaunpur; Director, District Cooperative Bank, Jaunpur; presently Manager, Shri Bajrang Inter Collage, Ghanshyampur, Jaunpur; Member, Uttar  Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1977-84; Whip, Members Varanasi Division in Legislative Assembly, 1980-84.

Sports:  Badminton and Kabaddi.

Permanent address:  Husainabad Village, Kachchari  P.O. Jaunpur District, Uttar Pradesh,


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