CHIKKALINGAIAH, SIIRI KERAGODE, B.A., LL.B., Congress, (Karnataka—Mandya— 1977 ): s. of Shri Yajaman Marilinge Gowda; b. at keragode Village, Mandya District, October 22, 1907; ed. at Wesleyan Mission High School, Mysore, Government Collegiate High School, Mysore, Central College, Bangalore and Law College, Poona; undergone musketry training in the Central College; m. Smt. T.N. Subbamma ChikKalingaih, June 28, 1932; 1 s. and 5 d,; Advocate and Agriculturist; previously associated with Prajapaksha and Janatha Paksha Parties; took active part in the freedom struggle and suffered imprisonment for six months in 1940 for participating in the Shivapura Flag Satyagraha Campaign, Secretary, Mandya District Congress Committee for 8 years; Member, Mysore Pradesh Congress Committee; President, Mandya District Janatha Paksha Party for three years; Chairman, Board of Elementary Education, Bangalore 1941-43; Secretary, (i)Ryath Sangha, Mandya, 1940-65, (ii) Cane Growers’ Cooperative Society Ltd., Mandya, 1958—70 and (iii) Bharat Sevak Samaj, 1961—64; Member, (i) Secondary Education Board, Bangalore, 1941—43, (ii) Finance Committee, Bangalore, 1942, (iii) State Prohibition Committee Bangalore, 1944-45, (iv) University Senate, Mysore, 1945, (v) House Committee, Bangalore 1945 (vi) State Food Council, Bangalore, 1945-46, (vii) Health Committee, Bangalore 1945-53, (viii) Water control Committee, Mandya, 1952—60, (ix) Krishna Raja Sagar Working Committee, Krishna Raja Sagar, 1954—64 and (x) Rashtriya Rakshana Samiti, 1968-69; Member, Mandya, District Board and was its first non-official President for five years; Founder President, Keragode Education Society; Member, Mysore Representative Assembly for 8 years; Deputy Leader, Praja Paksha Party in the Assembly for 3 years; Member, Fifth Lok Sabha, 1972—77; Member, Consultative Committee for (a) Health and Family Planning, (b) Irrigation and Power and (c) Railways; presently Member, Committee on Absence of Members; Sponsored by Mysore Government to Neera Canal Area (Old Bombay Presidency) to study the conditions prevailing there and the working of the Block System, with a view to adopting the same in the V. C. Area in 1945.
Social activities: Promotion of education; running a Rural High School and also a Shishu Vihar for the last 15 years at Keragode, Mandya Taluk.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Gardening; reading Upanishads and Vedanta, walking and cinema.
Special interests: Modernisation of agriculture and joint-farming.
Publications: Booklets on the problems of Krishna Raja Sagar and V. C. Area, Mandya District; published articles in the newspapers for the creation of “Cauvery Valley Corporation”.
Sports and dubs: Cricket, football and volleyball.
Permanent address: Mandya City, Karnataka.