CHAVDA, SHRI KHEMCHANDBHAI, B.Sc., [Janata Dal—Gujarat, Patan (SC), 1989]: s. of Somabhai; b. at Dhinoj, Mehsana District, Gujarat, October 4, 1919; ed. at Baroda College (Bombay University), Bombay, studied LL.B. in law College, Ahmedabad; m. Hiraben Chavda, May, 1946, 4 s. and 3 d.; Political and Social Worker, Journalist, Trade Unionist, Writer, Agriculturist; participated in freedom struggle;
Previous Association with Political Parties: Secy. CPP (O), 1971-77; Deputy Chief Whip, Janata Parliamentary Party, 1977-79; Vice-President, JP, Gujarat, 1983; Dy. Leader, National Front in Parliament, January—September 1990;
Previous Membership: Fifth Lok Sabha, August 1971-77, Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79; Rajya Sabha, August 1960-March 1971; Legislative Assembly, erstwhile Bombay State, 1952-57;
Committee Experience: Member, Public Accounts Committee, Bombay Legislative Assembly; Member, Committee on Public Undertakings, Estimates Committee, Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Committee on Official Language; Member, General Purposes Committee, May 29, 1990 and Consultative Committee, Ministry of Petroleum and Chemicals, 1990; Chairman, Joint Committee on Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament, March 12, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading, travelling;
Publications: Constitutional Privileges for Scheduled Castes and Tribes: Origin and Implementation (Gujarati); Morarji Desai: Former Prime Minister; on Disarmament, Peace & Prosperity (English); Publisher, Owner and Editor, Tankar (a fortnightly in Gujarati) and Abhyuday (a weekly in Gujarati).
Delegation to Foreign Countries: Delegate to Afro-Asian Solidarity Conference, Delhi, 1955, World Peace Conference, Helsinki, Conference of People for World Peace, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1980 and to UN General Assembly, New York, September to December 1978;
Travels Abroad: Canada, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Lapland, Malaysia, Singapore, U.K., U.S.A., U.S.S.R.;
Sports and Clubs: Teacher, Rajpur Gymnasium;
Social Activities: Welfare of SCs; President, Mehsana Prant Antyaj Yuvak Mandal, 1947-51;
Other Information: Vikas Mandir run by Textile Labour Association and established by Mahatma Gandhi as a part of National Movement during 1938-42; as a Dasta Nayak of Seva Dal Participated in the Haripura Congress Session, 1938, under the Presidentship of Subhash Chandra Bose;
Permanent Address: Taluka Chanasma, District Meshana, Gujarat.