Shri Krishan Datt Sultanpuri Member of Parliament (MP) from Shimla-SC (Himachal Pradesh) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri Krishan Datt Sultanpuri

Political Party: Indian National Congress

Constituency & State: Shimla-SC (Himachal Pradesh)

Lok Sabha Experience: 7,8,9,10,11,12

Biographical Sketch Member of Parliament 12th Lok Sabha


Father's Name	    	Late Shri Durga Singh

Date of Birth	    	20 April 1932

Place of Birth	    	Vill. Sultanpur, Distt. Solan 
			(Himachal Pradesh)

Marital Status	    	Married in June 1967

Spouse's Name	    	Smt. Satya Devi

Children	    	Two sons and four daughters

Educational Qualifications  


		Educated at Bohli and Dagshai High School, Dagshai



Permanent Address     	

		Vill. and P.O. Sultanpur, 
		Distt. Solan-173212 
		(Himachal Pradesh)

		Tel. (01792) 20575

Present Address   
		20, Windsor Place,
		New Delhi - 110001

		Tel. (011) 3715592

Positions Held  
1952-61		Nyaya Panch, Gram Panchayat, Bohli and Borog,
		Distt. Solan (Himachal Pradesh)

1956-62		Secretary, District Committee, Pragati Sheel Party (P.S.P.), 
		Kandaghat, Himachal Pradesh

1964-71		Sarpanch, Borog, Distt. Solan

1965-72		Vice-President, Zila Parishad, Shimla

1972-77		Member, Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly

1972-73		Member, Committee on Estimates

1973-74		Member, Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes
		and Scheduled Tribes

1975-77		Member, Committee on Public Accounts

1980		Elected to 7th Lok Sabha 

		Member, Committee on Government Assurances

		Member, Committee on Estimates

1983		Member, Executive Committee, Congress Parliamentary Party 
onwards		[C.P.P.(I)]	

1984		Re-elected to 8th Lok Sabha (2nd term)

1985-87		Chairman, Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled 
		Castes and Scheduled Tribes

		President, Pradesh Congress Committee [P.C.C.(I)], 
		Himachal Pradesh

1989		Re-elected to 9th Lok Sabha (3rd term)

1990-91		Member, Committee on Environment and Forests

		Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Agriculture

1991		Re-elected to 10th Lok Sabha (4th term)

1991		Member, All India Congress Committee (Indira) [A.I.C.C.(I)]

1991-92		Member, Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled 
		Castes and Scheduled Tribes

1993-96		Member, Committee on Transport and Tourism

1996		Re-elected to 11th Lok Sabha (5th term)

1996-97		Member, Committee on Transport and Tourism

1998		Re-elected to 12th Lok Sabha (6th term)

		Member, Executive Committee, C.P.P.

1998-99		Member, Committee on Petroleum and Chemicals

		Member, Committee on Official Language

		Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Petroleum
		and Natural Gas; and Convenor of its Sub-Committee on
		Adulteration in Petrol and Gas

Social and Cultural Activities    

Upliftment of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes 
and weaker sections of the society

Special Interests     	

To organise Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 
cooperatives; plantation and forestry

Favourite Pastime and Recreation     

Reading, social service and farming

Countries Visited  

Former G.D.R., Italy, Singapore, Spain, U.K., U.S.A., the former
U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia; Member, Indian Delegation to UNCTAD Conference,

Other Information  

Vice-Chairman, State Cooperative Bank; Director, Jogendra 
Central Bank; Vice-President, Marketing Cooperative Society,
Shimla; and Member, Agricultural and Processed Food Products 
Export Development Authority, 1990

Election Result of
Shimla-SC Lok Sabha Constituency  

Total electorate 	9,09,670
Total votes polled 	6,34,282
Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates

(1) Shri Krishan Datt Sultanpuri 	(I.N.C.) 3,07,861
(2) Shri Virender Kashyap 		(B.J.P.) 2,65,836
(3) Shri Madan Lal Tomar 		(H.V.C.)   26,981
(4) Shri Chet Ram 			(C.P.I.)   13,440


These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email:

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