CHATTERJI, SHRI KRISHNA KUMAR. B.Sc, (Hons.), LL.B., Cong., (West Bengal-Howrah-1967): s. of late Shri Akshaya Kumar Chatterji: b. Calcutta, November 5, 1908; ed. at St. Xavier’s College, Calcutta and Calcutta University; m. Shrimati Madhuri, 1936; 1 s.; joined the Howrah Bar, but gave up practice at the call of Netaji Subhas Bose; served as Secretary of Society of Engineers; worked as Editor of ‘Science and Engineering’, a leading scientific journal; edited “Bhabikal”, a Bengali monthly which was banned by the British Government; was a Security prisoner for a number of years, during the British rule, 1929, 1932 and 1940—45; while serving as Secretary of Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee, was suspended along with Netaji Subhas Bose during his historic fight against the Congress High Command; was the founder-Member of All India Forward Block Executive till 1943; has been a pioneer of student and youth movements in India; was President of All Bengal Students Association; served as Municipal Commissioner of Howrah for ten years, and was the Chairman of a Municipal Standing Committee (Administrative); Trustee to Howrah Improvement Trust; President; (i) Governing Body, Lal Baba College, (ii) Managing Committees of many High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools; President or Secretary of numerous organisations of political nature including Freedom Fighters Association; Memher, West Bengal Legislative Council, 1956-57; Member, A.I.C.C. and President, Howrah D.C.C..
Social activities: Served as President, West Bengal Social Service Association and is an office bearer of many educational institutions and libraries; Trade Union leader and President of the unions of Burn & Co., Guest Keen Williams Port Engineering, Crown Aluminium, Ganges Rope, Binani Metal Works, Swaika Industries, etc-
Hobbies: Journalism and literary pursuits including those in connection with the History of Indian Freedom Movement.
Special interests: Politics and social service.
Permanent address: (1) 7, Laksman Das Lane, Howrah, (ii) 15/1, Ekdalia Place (Flat No. 7), Ballygunje, Calcutta-19.