SHASTRI, SHRI LAL BAHADUR, Shastri (Kashi Vidyapith), Cong., (Uttar Pradesh— Allahabad—1962): S. of late Shri Sharda Prasad; B. Moghalsarai (Varanasi), October 2, 1904; ed. Harish Chandra College, Varanasi, Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi; m. Shrimati Lalita Devi; 4 S. and 2 D.; Member, Servants of People Society; President and Secretary of D.C.C., Allahabad; General Secretary, U.P. Congress Committee, 1935—38; Secretary, Congress Parliamentary Board, U.P., 1945;Member, U.P. Legislative Assembly, 1937—39 and 1946—52; Parliamentary Secretary U.P.; Minister of Police and Transport, U.P., 1947—51; Member, Rajya Sabha, 1952—57; Minister for Railways and Transport, Government of India, 1952—56; Member, Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62; Minister for Transport and Communications Government of India, 1957-58; Minister for Commerce and Industry, Government of India 1958—61; Minister for Home Affairs, Government of India since 1961; Member, Congress Working Committee; General Secretary, A.I.C.C.
Social activities: Interested in rural work; Connected with a number of social organisations and is a trustee of many important educational organisations doing constructive and developmental work, like Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, U.P., Spining and Village, Industries Association, Trustee of the kashi Vidyapith Trust.
Accomplishment in letters, art and science: Two manuscripts (1) Struggle for freedom (1920—47) (2) Comparative study of Indian and Western philosophy.
Hobbies: Badminton, Swimming and Yogic exercises.
Publications: “Madame Curie” (Biography in Hindi).
Permanent address: I, Motilal Nehru Place, New Delhi.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,46,090
Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri . . 1,37,324
Shri Ram Gopal Sand . . 68,791
Shri Mubarak Mazdoor . . 30,378].