KOTOKI, SHRI LILADHAR, B.A., (Hons.), M.A., LL.B. (Cong.) Assam-Nowgong—1971, Son of late Shri Bhudhar Kotoki; b. at Juria, Distt, Nowgong, Assam, December, 1, 1917; ed at Govt. High School, Nowgong, Cotton College, Gauhati, Banaras Hindu University; m. Smt. Jyotirmoyee Kotoki; 1940; 2 s. and 1 d.; Advocate; Founder Secretary (1948-57) and President since 1957 of Juria High School; Founder Member, (1950-60) Secretary (1960-62), Vice-president since 1962 of Sreemanta Sankar Mission, Nowgong; Assistant Secretary, Assam Congress Parliamentary Party 1952-57; Member, Indian Airlines Advisory Committee, 1958-67; President, North-East Frontier Railway Employees’ Unions, affiliated to I.N.T.U.C., 1966-68; Member, (i) Tea Board, 1967-70, (ii) Indian Parliamentary Group, (iii) Development Council for Man-made Textiles, 1968-71, (iv) Land Acquisition Review Committee, 1968-70, and (v) Hindi Salahkar Samiti, 1965-71; Director, (i) Assam Government Marketing Corporation; (ii) Assam Cooperative Jute Mills; Member (i) Second Lok Sabha, 1957-62, (ii) Third Lok Sabha 1962-67, (iii) Fourth Lok Sabha 1967-70, (iv) Estimates Committees of Parliament 1964-66, and 1971-72 and (v) Committee on Petitions 1970.
Social activities.—Education, sports, cultural activities and social services to the distressed and suffering.
Favourite pastime and recreation.—Sports, dance, drama, music and indoor games.
Special interests.—Economic development of backward areas and communities.
Sports and Clubs.—Football, cricket, hockey, volleybal; Life Member, Sports Club of Assam; Vice-president, Nowgong District Sports Association; President, Nowgong Town Club; Member, (i) Nowgong Dramatic Club, (ii) Nowgong Evening Club, (in) Constitution Club, New Delhi; President, Assam Association, Delhi.
Travels abroad.—Japan, China, Thailand and Burma.
Permanent address.—Marikolong, P.O. Nowgong (Assam).