Name of Member: Shri M.K. Kumaran
Political Party: Communist Party
Constituency & State: Chirayinkil (Kerala)
Lok Sabha Experience: 2,3
KUMARAN, SHRI M. K., B.A., B.L., Comm., (Kerala—Chirayinkil—1962): S. of Shri K. Kannan Vaidyan; B. Kottarakara Taluk, Kerala, May 29, 1914; ed. at Maharaja’s College of Arts and the Law College, Trivandrum; m. Shrimati C. N. Subhadra, 1946; 2 S. and 1 D.; Lawyer and Journalist; Formerly a worker in the Travancore State Congress; Participated in Political activities while a student in College; was President of several trade unions in the former Travancore area of Kerala State during 1957—60; was President of Kerala Government School Teachers Federation; Member, Second Lok Sabha (1952—57).
Hobbies: Gardening.
Special interests: History, literature and philosophy.
Publications: A travelogue called ‘Yamuna-Yude Theerathu’ (on the banks of the Yamuna).
Permanent address: “Kerala Kaumudi”, Trivandrum, Kerala State.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,36,189
Shri M. K. Kumaran . . 1,68,927
Shri Shahul Hameed . . 1,35,708],
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