KRISHNAPPA, SHRI M. V., B.A. B.L.., Congress, (Karnataka—Chikballapur—1977) : s. of Shri Mothakapalli Venkatarama Gowda; b. at Mothakapalli, July 1, 1918; ed. at Maharaja’s College, Mysore and Law College, Madras; m. Smt. Pramila Devi; 2 s. and 4 d.; Agriculturist; participated in Quit-India Movement in 1942; sentenced to four years’ imprisonment but was released after 1 1/2 years; took active part in organising parallel A.I.C.C. during Congress split in 1969; President, Mysore Students’ Congress, 1940—44; Member, A.I.C.C. for the last 20 years; Chairman, Agricultural Prices Enquiry Committee, 1953; Founder, Mulbagal Multipurpose Cooperative Society; Founder-President, “Golden Valley Education Trust” in Kolar Gold Fields; Member and Chief Whip, Mysore State Legislative Assembly; Minister of Revenue, Food and Animal Husbandry, Government of Mysore after resigning membership of Third Lok Sabha; Member, (i) First Lok Sabha, 1952—-57, Parliamentary Secretary to the Union Minister of Food and Agriculture, July—August 1952; (ii) Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62; (iii) Third Lok Sabha, (iv) Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967—70 and (v) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971—77; Chief Whip of the Congress Party in Lok Sabha, 1977; Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture, Government of India, August 1952—March 1962; led Indian delegation to the U.S.S.R. in 1953; Leader of delegation consisting of officials of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and Planning Commission to study the Agricultural Leap-Forward in China; led an Indian delegation to Japan and Norway to study Fisheries and to seek, collaboration from them for the development of Fisheries in India; Member, Indian Delegation to the U.N.O. in 1973.
Social activities: Organised adult literacy campaign; among the mining labour and students in Mysore; associated with “Golden Valley Education Trust” in Kolar Gold fields which runs a college and a number of other institutions.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Swimming and riding; takes keen interest in the development of dairying, fisheries and poultry.
Travels abroad: U.S.S.R., China, Europe, U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Japan, Africa, Middle-East, South East Asia and Norway.
Permanent address: 46, Levelle Road, Bangalore-1.