DWIVEDI, SHRI M. L., M.A., LL.B., D.Com., M.D., Visharad, Cong., (Uttar Pradesh—Hamirpur—1962): S. of Shri Prayagdatta Dwivedi; B. Charkhari, Hamirpur, July 5, 1908; ed. at G.S. High School, Charkhari, Lucknow University and Hyderabad Institute of Commerce, Hyderabad Dn.; m. Shrimati Shanta Dwivedi, 1934; 2 S.; Agriculturist and Lawyer; Hindi Poet and Dramatist; Was Honorary Secretary, Boy Scouts Association, Charkhari; Worked for uplift of untouchables and compulsory and adult education in Charkhari and for the rehabilitation of displaced persons from West Pakistan; President, Charkhari Raj Praja Mandal, 1946—48; General Secretary, Vindhya Pradesh P.C.C., 1948-49; Member, General Council of All India States People’s Conference, 1947-48; Vice-president, Charkhari State Relief and Rehabilitation Committee, 1948; President, Parliamentary Board, Vindhya Pradesh P.C C. (Bundelkhand); President, Provincial Gandhi National Memorial Fund, Vindhya Pradesh, 1949-50; Member, General Council, M.G.B. College, Indore; President, Navyuvak Mandal, Hyderabad-Dn., 1940; President, Religious Endowments Trust, Charkhari; Member Temples Committee, Vindhya Pradesh; Member, Uttar Pradesh P.C.C.; Assistant Teacher, 1927—34; Durbar Superintendent, Charkhari, 1935; Private Secretary to H.H. the Maharaja of Charkhari, 1935—37; General Manager, M/s. Modern Construction, Rampur; General Manager, M/s. Raja Bahadur Motilal Bansilal, Hyderabad-Dn., 1938-39; Chief Accountant, Rampur Transport Company Ltd., Rampur; Worked as Civilian with the American Air Headquarters, Agra, 1943-44; Incharge, Dewan Korea State, 1944; Invented a perpetual calendar; Member, First Lok Sabha, 1952—57 and Second Lok Sabha 1957—62.
Clubs: Member, Constitution Club, New Delhi and Charkhari Club, Charkhari.
Hobby: Photography.
Recreation: Swimming, games and sight-seeing.
Publications: “Swargiya Viman”—a Hindi Drama; “Kavita Kunj” (Poems in Hindi); Law notes for LL.B. students.
Permanent address: Ranipur Bazar, Charkhari, District Hamirpur (Postal circle Banda), U.P.
[Voting results at the Election:
Electorate: 4,08,471
Shri Mannoolal Dwivedi . . 99,375
Shri Udit Narayan . . 71,691
Shri Torawar . . 17,823
Shri Misra Acharya Prabhakar . . 13,641
Shri Ram Sevak . . 5,114].