RAO, SHRI MOSALIKANTI THIRUMALA, Cong,, (Andhra Pradesh—Kakinada—1967): s. of Shri Bayanna Pantulu; b. at Pithapuram, January 29. 1901; m. Shrimati Nara-subayamma, 1919; 1 s. and 2 D.; Public worker; was in business for sometime; left studies in 1921 while in college and joined the Non-Cooperation Movement; suffered several terms of imprisonment during the freedom movements in 1922, 1930. 1932 1940 and 3 942; Member, A.I.C.C. for nearly 25 years since 1926; was President East Godavari D.C.C. twice; was Member of the executive Committee of the Pradesh Congress Committee and the Congress Party in Parliament; Member, (1) Central Legislative Assembly, 1937—40; (2) Council of States. 1945—47; (3) Constituent Assembly 1948—50; (4) Provisional Parliament, 1950—52 (5)-Second Lok Sabha, 1957—62; (6) Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67; Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture, Government of India, 1950—52 Lieutenant Governor, Vindhya Pradesh, 1956; Chairman, Foodgrains Enquiry Committee, 1950; Member, Health Survey Committee and Food Grains Enquiry Committee, 1957; was Member of the Standing Committees on External Affairs, Food and Agriculture, Transport and Shipping and Steel and Mines; Leader, Minor Irrigation Team of the Committee on Plan Projects, Planning Commission, 1961—66; edited an English daily for sometime in Madras.
Hobby: Reading.
Special interests: Travelling, journalism and spiritual studies.
Books published: Translation into Telugu of ”GOD SPEAKS” by Avatar Mehr Baba.
Clubs: Member, Literary Association, Kakinada.
Travels abroad: Visited England, Ireland, Holland, Belgium as Member of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Delegation; Western Nigeria as Member of the Indian Delegation in 1954 and 1965; Yugoslavia. Rumania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Poland as Member of the Parliamentary Delegation; Denmark to attend the session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Copenhagen in 1964; also visited Japan, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Russia and U.S.A.
Permanent address: Gandhinagar, Kakinada, (Andhra Pradesh).