RACHIAH, SHRI N., B.A., B.L., Cong. [Mysore—Mysore (Reserved—Sch. Castes)—1952]: S. of Shri Naraaimhiah; B. at T. Narasipur, Distt. Mysore, May 8, 1920: ed. at Maharaja’s College, Mysore and Law College, Bangalore; m. Shrimati Laxmamma, May 24, 1939; 2 S. and 2 D.; Agriculturist; Advocate and Social worker; Was in Government service for 6 years; Secretary, Adijambava Association, Mysore Distt., 1938—48 and its President, 1948—52; President, Youth Organisation, T. Narsipur. 1945-46; President, Harijan Mysore State Students Federation, 1946-47; Member, Mysore University Union, 1947; President, Industrial Co-operative Society, Jalapuri, Mysore, from 1947; Member, Law College Union, Bangalore, 1948-49; Member, Mysore Distt. Development Committee and Distt. Food Council, 1949—52; Member Depressed Class Scholarship Committee, from 1949; Delegate to the Local Board Conference, Delhi, 1950; Member, Mysore State Exhibition Committee, 1950-51; Honorary Assistant Secretary, Mysore Dasara Exhibitions, 1950 and 1951; Member, Municipal Council, Mysore, 1950—53 and its Vice-President, 1952-53; Member, Mysore City Distt. Congress Executive Committee; President, Dalitha Seva Sangh, from 1953; Member, Central Silk Board, from 1953; President, Dalitha Vidyarthinilya, Mysore City; President, Bharat Kalaniketan, Mysore, from 1954; Secretary, National Executive, Indian Branch of the World Democratic Peace Congress, from 1954.
Travels: Switzerland, Germany, France and the United Kingdom.
Special interest: Social Service and Co-operative Movement.
Permanent address: 995, Jalapuri Laskar Mohalla, Mysore City.