Name of Member: Shri Nanaji Deshmukh
Political Party: Janata Party
Constituency & State: Balrampur (Uttar Pradesh)
Lok Sabha Experience: 6
6th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
DESHMUKH, SHRI NANA, Janata, (Uttar Pradesh—Balrampur—1977): s. of Shri Amrit Rao Deshmukh; b. at Kadoli, Maharashtra; October 11, 1917; ed. at Government High School, Washim, Akola District and Inter Commerce Birla College, Pilani; Unmarried; Agriculturist, Political and Social worker, Journalist, Writer and Artist; previously associated with Jan Sangh since its inception, was Secretary and Treasurer, Akhil Bharatiya Jan Sangh; Chairman, Deendayal Research Institute; was Managing Director, Rashtradharm Prakashan, Ltd.; Founder, Shishu Mandir Institutions.
Special interests: Painting.
Sports and clubs: Interested in Sports.
Permanent address: 7E, Swami Ramtirth Nagar New Delhi.
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