SHEJWALKAR, SHRI NARAIN KRISHNA RAO, B.Sc., LL.B. [Bharatiya Janata Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior, 1980] s. of Shri Kirshan Rao; b. at Gwalior, August 7, 1923; ed at Gwalior Victoria College and Agra College, m. Smt. Vimal Shejwalker March 5, 1946; I s. and 1 d.; Advocate; previously associated with Jan Sang and Janta Party; was sentenced to imprisonment 12 times; last time detained during 1975-76 under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act; President, Jan Sangh Madhya Pradesh, 1966-68; Member, Rashtriya Syamsevak Sangh from 1939; President, (i) Madhya Bharat Shiksha Samiti, Gwalior, 1974 and (ii) High Court Bar Association, Gwalior (twice), 1965-67; Secretary, (i) Civil Liberties Union, (ii) Vivekanand Smarak Samiti, 1965 and (iii) Hindu Sahayata Samiti, 1948; Member, (i) Supreme Court-Bar, from 1969, (ii) Municipal Corporation, Gwalior for 8 years; Mayor, Gwalior Municipal Corporation, 1960, 1970, and 1971; Member, Rajya Sabha, 1968-74; Member, (i) Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79 and (ii) Estimates Committee; Member, Panel of Chairmen, Lok Sabha, 1977-79; presently Member, House Committee.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Science, Engineering and photography.
Special interests: Classical music and reading of books and journals, particularly on architecture and science.
Sports and clubs: Various Indian games; Badminton, Volleyball, Chess, Carrom etc.
Travels abroad: Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, U.S.A., U.K., Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia.
Permanent address: “Krishna Kripa”, Vivekanand Marg, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh.