Name of Member: Shri Narendra Ramchandraji Deoghare
Political Party: Congress
Constituency & State: Nagpur (Maharashtra)
Lok Sabha Experience: 4
4th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
DEOGHARE, SHRI NARENDRA RAMCHANDRAJI, Cong., (Maharashtra-Nagpur-1967): s. of Ramchandraji Deoghare; b. at Nagpur, May 2, 1922: ed. at Model High School, Nagpur and Govindram Seksaria College of Commerce, Wardha; m. Shrimati Sushilabai, 1951; 4 s. and 1 d.; Weaver; took part in the 1942 movement while still a student and detained for nineteen months; previously associated with the Praja Socialist Party; organised several weavers co-operative societies, a Spinning Mill and a Silk Society for weavers of Nagpur, Chairman, (1) Nagpur Resham and Vinkar Cooperative Society, 1956—60; (2) Radhesham Handloom Weavers Cooperative Society; was Chief Promoter and President of the Nagpur Vinkar Sahakari Soot Girni Marvadit Nagpur, for four years; Director, Vidarbha Weavers Cooperative Society, 1946—58; Member, (1) All India Cottage Industries Board; (2) Vidarbha Housing Board; was honorary Yarn and Cloth Inspector in erstwhile Madhya Pradesh in 1954; Member, District Congress Committee, Nagpur Pradesh; Congress Committee and All India Congress Committee, between 1955 and 1957.
Permanent address: Bhandara Road, Ward No. 26. Nagpur, Maharashtra.
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