Name of Member: Shri Pratap Singh Saini
Political Party: Samajwadi Party
Constituency & State: Amroha (Uttar Pradesh)
Lok Sabha Experience: 11
Father's Name : Shri Gokal Singh Date of Birth : 2 January 1953 Place of Birth : Marihakamruddin in Distt. Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh) Marital Status : Married on 24 December 1984 Spouse's Name : Smt. Chandravati Saini Children : Three sons and three daughters Educational Qualifications : Intermediate Educated at Kundan Model Inter College, Amroha (Uttar Pradesh) Profession : Agriculturist, Political and Social Worker, Trader and Industrialist Permanent Address : Vill. Marihakamruddin, P.O. Amroha Nagar, Distt. Moradabad-244001 (Uttar Pradesh) Tels. (05922) 51332 (R), 51248 (O) Positions Held : 1991-92 Member, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly Member, Library Committee and Environment Committee, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly 1996 Elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh) Member, State Working Committee, Samajwadi Party Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments : Interested in social activities, service to the disabled Social and Cultural Activities : Established educational institutions for eradication of illiteracy to provide relief to people affected by natural calamities like fire and flood; organised cultural programmes
Special Interests : Resolving the problems of the poor, dalits, backwards and minority community Favourite Pastime and Recreation : Organising Kavi Sammelans; folk-dances, debates and plays Sports and Clubs : Football, volleyball and kabaddi; organised wrestling tournaments Other Information :
Established voluntary organisations and educational institutions; General Secretary, Saini Sabha,Distt. Moradabad, 1974-80; President, Saini Sabha, Distt. Moradabad, 1992 onwards
Election Result :
Amroha Lok Sabha constituency
Total electorate 11,83,008
Total votes polled 6,74,418
Votes polled in favour of the
first four leading candidates:
(1) Shri Pratap Singh Saini (S.P.) 2,57,905
(2) Shri Chetan Chauhan (B.J.P.) 2,10,305
(3) Shri Rashid Alvi (B.S.P.) 1,37,229
(4) Shri Kanshi Ram (I.N.C.) 41,383
These Biodata of present and past Members of Parliament are taken from Also any reference to the location of a particular State, or Country in the bio-profile of Members (particularly in the columns ‘place of birth’ or ‘Educated at’) is given by the Members themselves while filling up of the Proforma after their election to the Lok Sabha. Any discrepancy in data should be brought to our notice for correction. Our Email: [email protected]
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