VENKATARAMAN, SHRI R., M.A. B.L. [Congress (I)—Tamil Nadu, Madras South, 1980] s. of Shri K. Ramaswamy Iyer; b. at Rajamadam, December 4, 1910; at Madras University, Madras; m. Smt. Janaki Venkataraman: 3 d.; Advocate, Madras High Court, from 1935 and later of the Supreme Court; participated in the ‘Quit India” movement and detained under the Defence of lndia Rules from 1942 to 1944: deputed by the Govt. of India in 1946 as one of the panel of Lawyers to defend the Indian nationals charged with offences of collaboration during the Japanese occupation of Malaya and Singapore; Minister for Industries, Labour, Co-operation, Power, Transport and Commercial Taxes, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, 1957-67; Union Minister of Finance and Industry since January 1980; Member, Planning Commission, incharge of Industry, Labour, Power, Transport; Communications etc., 1967—71; Member, (i) Working Committee of the Tamil Nadu Congress Committee 1952-67; and (ii) All India Congress Committee, 1952-67; Secretary, (i) Tamil Nadu Congress Committee, 1952-54 and (ii) Reception Committee of the Avadi Congress Session, 1954. Secretary, Madras Provincial Bar Federation, 1947-50; Elected Member, United Nations Administrative Tribunal, 1955-79 and its President, 1968-79; Member, Wage Board for Working Journalists; Chairmann, (i) Major Ports Commission; (ii) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade; (iii) National Research Development Corporation; (iv) Committee on Automation; and (v) Committee Of Enquiry into the Working of State Electricity Boards; Trustee, (i) Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, and (ii) Gandhi Gram Trust: Chairman, (i) Trust of Minakshi College for Women; (ii) Society of Sankra Secondary School, and (iii) Society of the Malai Mandir Temple, New Delhi; Vice-Chairman, Kalakshetra. Member, Madras Legislative Council, 1957-62 and 1962-67; was Leader of the House in Madras Legislative Council; Member (i) Provisional Parliament, 1950-52, (ii) First Lok Sabha, 1952-57; also elected to Second Lok Sabha, 1957: Member, (i) Standing Finance Committee, (ii) Committee on Privileges, (iii) Committee on Estimates, and (iv) Public Accounts Committee; Secretary, Congress Party in Parliament, 1954-55; Member, Indian Delegation to (i) the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, New Zealand, 1950, and (ii) the Inter-Parliamentary Conference, Vienna, 1978; Leader, (i) Labour Delegation to Metal Trades Committee of the I.L.O. in Geneva, 1952, and (ii) Indian Delegation to the 42nd Session of the International Labour Conference at Geneva, 1958; Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1958, 1959. I960 and 1961.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Photography.
Special interests: Arts, music and cultural activities.
Accomplishments in letters, art and science: other achievements: Awarded (i) ‘Tamra Patra’ for participation in freedom struggle, (ii) Soviet prize for travelogue on Shri K. Kamraj’s visit to the socialist countries, (iii) Souvenir by the Secretary General, U.N.O. for distinguished service as President of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, and (iv) Title ‘Sat Seva Ratna’ by His Holiness Shankaracharya for service to the temple.
Publications: Founder and Editor, ‘Labour Law Journal’ since 1949.
Sports and clubs: Tennis.
Travels abroad: Travelled to U.S.S.R. and Socialist countries, West European countries, U.S.A., Canada, South East Asia, Far East, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji several times on official visits.
Permanent address: No. 7, Murugappa Chettiar Road, Madras-85, Tamil Nadu.