RAO, SHRI JAGANNATH, B.A., B.L. [Congress (I)—Orissa, Berhampur, 1984] s. of late Shri R. Varahlu; b. at Visakhapatnam town, old Madras State, now Andhra Pradesh, December 10, 1909; ed. at Andhra and Patna Universities; m. late Smt. Janakiamma, March, 1929; 2 s. and 5 d.; Advocate; Government Pleader and Public Prosecutor, Koraput, (v)1946-49; Deputy Minister in the Ministries of (i) Works, Housing and Supply, 1962, (ii) Economic and Defence Coordination, 1962-63, (iii) Department of Supply, 1963-64, (iv) Law and Department of Social Security, 1964-66; Minister of State in the (i) Ministry of Labour, Employment and Rehabilitation, 1966, (ii) Department of Parliamentary Affairs and Communications, 1966-69, and Government Chief Whip, (iii) Ministry of Works, Housing and Supply, 1967-69, (iv) Ministry of Petroleum and Chemicals, and of Mines and Metals, 1969-70, (vi) Ministry of Law and Department of Social Welfare, 1970-71; Member, All-India Congress Committee since 1958; President, Bharat Sevak Samaj, Koraput District, 1954-56; Member, Executive Committee, Congress Party in Parliament, 1958-62; Member, (i) Second Lok Sabha, 1957-62; (i) Third Lok Sabha, 1962-67; (iii) Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967-70; (iv) Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971-77; (v) Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977–79 and (vi) Seventh Lok Sabha 1980-84; Served on a number of Select Committees and was associated with some of them as Chairman; was on the Panel of Chairmen of Lok Sabha, 1961-62; Chairman of Joint Committee on Election Law in 1972; Visited U.S.S.R. as a member of the Indian Parliamentary delegation in 1958; attended the 14th Session of the United Nations General Assembly as a member of Indian delegation in 1959; Leader of the Indian delegation to the International Congress on Penal Law at the Hague in 1964; Member of the Parliamentary Delegation to Warsaw in 1975.
Social activities: Uplift of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and the downtrodden.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Reading books and Bridge.
Special interests: Cooperative movement and uplift of Adivasis.
Sports and clubs: Tennis.
Travels abroad: U.K., U.S.A., U.S.S.R. and Europe.
Permanent address: Shanti Kutir’, Gopalpur-on-Sea, Ganjam District, Orissa.