RAJ BAHADUR, SHRI, M.A., B.Sc., LL.B., (Cong.) Rajasthan-Bharatpur—1971, Son of Shri Sundar Lal; b. at Basan Gate, Bharatpur August 21, 1912; ed. at Sadar High School, Bharatpur, Maharaja’s High School and College, Jaipur, Agra College and St. Johns’ College, Agra; m. Smt. Vidyawati Srivastava, May 17, 1936; 4 s. and 1 d.; Advocate; Previously associated with Hindustan Socialist Republican Army 1929-30 and Bharatpur Praja Parishad Party affiliated to the All India States People’s Conference from 1939 to 1948; Participated actively in freedom struggle and led the movement in the erstwhile Bharatpur State, 1940-41 to 1947 and suffered imprisonment twice; President, Bharatpur Bar Association, 1948-51; Municipal Commissioner,. Bharatpur State, 1941-42; Secretary and later vice-President, Bharatpur State Praja Praishad, 1943-47; General Secretary, Matsya Union Congress Committee 1948-49; Member, (i) Central Advisory Committee, Bharatpur State, 1939-42; (ii) Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee since its inception; (iii) A.I.C.C.; 1952-67; (iv) Constituent Assembly of India, 1948-50; and (v) Provisional Parliament 1950-52; Secretary, Congress Party in Parliament, 1950-52; Member, First Lok Sabha, 1952-57; Second Lok Sabha, 1957-62; Third Lok Sabha,. 1962-67; Deputy Minister of Communications, 1951-56; Minister in the Ministry of Communications from February, 1956 to December, 1956; Minister of Communications from December, 1956 to April, 1957; Minister of State in the Ministry of Transport & Communications from 1957 to 1962; Minister for Shipping in the Ministry of Transport & Communications from 1962 to 1963; Minister for Transport in charge of Shipping, Transport, Civil Aviation and Tourism, August, 1963 to January, 1966; Minister of Information & Broadcasting from January 1966 to February 1967; Ambassador for India in Nepal from January, 1968 to January 1971; appointed Cabinet Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Shipping & Transport on March 18, 1971.
Social activities: Organised Social uplift and welfare work amongst the backward classes and campaigned against Begar (forced labour) in Bharatpur State.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Interested in books and periodicals, a little in gardening, music and swimming.
Sports and Clubs: Football, cricket, tennis and volleyball.
Travels abroad: Turkey, Itlay, France, Switzerland, U.K., Netherlands, U.S.A., Canada, Venezuela, Trinidad, West Germany, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Nepal.
Permanent address: Basan Gate, Bharatpur.