Name of Member: Shri Rajendranath Barua
Political Party: Congress
Constituency & State: Jorhat (Assam)
Lok Sabha Experience: 3,4
4th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
BARUA, SHRI RAJENDRANATH B.A. (Hons.), B.L., Cong.. (Assam—Jorhat—1967): s. of late Shri Khaganath Barua: b. Jorhat, July 1, 1913; ed. at Jorhat Government High School, Cotton College and Earl Law College, Calcutta University; Widower; 4 s. and 4 d., Advocate; Formerly associated with P.S.P. for sometime; Joined 1942 movement; Was Security Prisoner and then interned at Jorhat for two years; Government Pleader, 1951-52; Member, Executive Council of Dibrugarh University; President of the Governing Body of Jagannath Barua College, Jorhat; Member, Third Lok Sabha, 1962—67.
Social activities: Took part in educational and cultural matters.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Walking.
Special interests: Education; Reading Socio-Economic Literature.
Permanent address: New Road, P.O. Jorhat Assam.
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