VIKAL, SHRI RAM CHANDRA, (Cong.) U.P. Baghpat—1971, Son of Chaudhari Pat Ram Singh; b. at Village Basantpur, Distt. Bulandshahr, March 8, 1916; m. Shrimati Hansa Devi, 1937; 5 s. and 2 d.; Agriculturist; Member, Congress Party, 1937-67; left Congress Party in 1967; founded Kisan Mazdoor Party in 1967; rejoined Congress Party in 1971; Member, A.I.C.C, 1958-65 and P.C.C. for ten years; Convener, Kisan Sangh, U.P. for 4 years; Member, District Board, Bullandshahr since 1948; Member, Legislative Assembly, U.P., 1952-71; Member, (i) Estimates Committee, U.P. Assembly for two years, (ii) Standing Committees of Irrigation and Power, Finance, C.P.W.D. and Small Savings for a number of years and (iii) Industries Board, U.P. Government, 1960-62; Elected Leader of S.V.D. in U.P. Legislative Assembly, 1967; Leader of Opposition, U.P. Legislative Assembly, 1967; Minister of Forests and Animal Husbandry, Excise, Jail and Fisheries, U.P., 1967-68; Member, Panel of Chairmen, U.P. Legislative Assembly 1969-70; Chairman, Assurances Committee, U.P. Legislative Assembly, 1970-71.
Social activities.—Took keen interest in Arya Samaj activities and Gurukul, Sikandrabad, District Bulandshahr and held offices of Secretary and Manager of Gurukul; founded one hundred Primary Schools in District Bullandshahr during 1946-48 which were handed over to Government in 1950; also founded 15 Inter Colleges and two Degree Colleges in Districts Bullandshahr and Saharanpur.
Hobbies.—Wrestling, nature cure and religious discourses.
Favourite pastime and recreation.—Walking.
Special interests.—Agriculture and Education.
Travels abroad.—Japan, Thailand and Hong Kong.
Permanent address.—28 B, Gandhi Nagar, Ghaziabad, U.P.