SOMANI, SHRI ROOPLAL, Janata, (Rajasthan—Bhilwara—1977): s. of Shri Mnthura Lalji Somani; b. at Bhilwara, November 13, 1917; m. Smt. Sunder Devi Somani; May 8, 1930; 3 s. and 1 d.; Political and Social Worker and Educationist; associated with the Congress from 1938 to 1952 later joined Sarvodaya Movement; helped in the formation of Mewar Prajamandal and participated in the Satyagraha in protest against the ban imposed on the Prajamandal and suffered rigorous imprisonment, 1938; took part in the Quit-India Movement, and was detained for 11 months in 1942; Imprisoned in connection with the Labour Movement, 1953; Launched Satyagrah on December 5, 1976 against Emergency and was imprisoned for 6 months under D.I. R.; surrendered ‘Tamra-patra’ received as a freedom-fighter in the beginning of the anti-emergency movement.
Social activities: Founder and President of Sewa Sudan, Bhilwara which works in the fields of Education, Khadi Gram-Udyog, Agriculture, Cooperation, Public Education etc. to imbibe the spirit of service and sacrifice. Organised and led the rural population against feudal atrocities, village feuds. forced labour etc. with success from 1944—50; Actively participated in Bhoodan, Gramdan and Sarvodaya movement, Closely associated with a large number of socio-economic and cultural organisations and is on the Governing Bodies of a large number of such organisations.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Gardening.
Special interests: Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Ethics, Politics and Teaching.
Permanent address: C/o. Sewa Sadan, Bhilwara, Rajasthan.