JOSHI, SHRI S. M., B.A… LL.B., S.S.P., (Maharashtra—Poona—1967): s. of Shri Mahadev Janardan Joshi; b. at Junnar, Poona Distt., November 12, 1904; ed. at Golap, near Ratnagiri, New English, School, Fergusson College and Law College, Poona and the University of Bombay; m. Shrimati Tarabai Pendse, August 19, 1939; 2 s.; Journalist, social worker and Life Insurance Agent; Associated with the Bombay Presidency Youth League upto 1932 and with the Indian National Congress and Congress Socialist Party upto 1948; Chief Organiser, Rashtra Seva Dal, 1941-42. 1947; General Secretary, All-India Defence Employees’ Federation upto 1963 and presently its Vice-President; President State Bank Employees’ Association, Bombay Circle, 1959 and All-India Federation of State Bank Employees Association, 1960; General Secretary, Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti, 1956-60; Member, Bombay Legislative Assembly, 1952-62; Chairman, P.S.P., 1963-64 and became Chairman, S.S.P. in 1964.
Social activities: Trustee, Maharashtra Arogya Mandal, Poona, Antar Bharati Trust and Rashtra Seva Dal; Managing Trustee, Sadhana Trust; Editor, Lokamitra, a Marathi daily. 1958—62; Chairman, Janawani Ltd.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Films and dramas.
Special interests: Youth movement.
Books published: (I) Oormi—A Collection of Essays and Sketches; (ii) S, M. Joshi: Vyakti, Vaani Ani Lekhni (Marathi)-—A Collection of Articles.
Travels abroad: Ceylon.
Permanent address: 1170, Sadashivpeth, Poona-2, Maharashtra.