Shri S.M. Muhammed Sheriff Member of Parliament (MP) from Periyakulam (Tamil Nadu) Biodata

Name of Member: Shri S.M. Muhammed Sheriff

Political Party: Indian Union Muslim League

Constituency & State: Periyakulam (Tamil Nadu)

Lok Sabha Experience: 4,5

Fifth Lok Sabha


Members Bioprofile

MUHAMMED SHERIFF, SHRI S. M., M.A., (Indian Union Muslim League) Tamil Nadu-Periyakulam—1971, Son of Shri Muhammed Mathar Rowther; b. at Madurai, July 15, 1924; ed. at American College, Madurai, Madras University and Ranchi College, Ranchi, Bihar University; m. Shrimati M.A. Jowaharunnisa; 3 d.; President, Madurai City Muslim League 1961—63; Secretary Madurai District Muslim League since 1963 and Assistant Secretary Tamil Nadu State Muslim League since 1963; Municipal Councillor, Madurai 1964—69; Member Consultative Committees, (i) Railway South Zone, 1967-68, (ii) Railway Users’, 1968-69, (iii) Foreign Trade and Supply, 1968-69 and (iv) Health and Family Planning, 1970; Religious end Moral Lecturer in Central Jails, Madurai, 1953—67; Member, (i) Fairness Committee of Employment Exchange Ramanathapuram Distt., 1968—70; (ii) Telephone Advisory Committee, Madurai Circle since 1970; and (iii) Small Scale Industries, Ramanathapuram Distt., 1970; Member, Fourth Lok Sabha, 1967—70.

Social activities.—Organising of reading rooms and associations for village uplift; adult education and communal harmony; keenly interested in orphanages.

Hobbies.—Photography, travelling and collecting rare books.

Favourite pastime and recreation.—Reading books and magazines; listening to music.

Special interests.—Studies in comparative religion; problems relating to children and widows.

Publications.—Published numerous articles, stories and poems in Tamil (rewarded by the great Tamil Poet Bharathi Dhasan).

Travels abroad.—Ceylon.

Permanent address—11, Karimsha Mosque, 1st Street, Madurai-1, Tamil Nadu.


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