Name of Member: Shri S.R.A.S. Appalanaidu
Political Party: Congress (I)
Constituency & State: Anakapalli (Andhra Pradesh)
Lok Sabha Experience: 5,6,7
7th Lok Sabha |
Members Bioprofile |
APPALANAIDU, SHRI S.R.A.S. [Congress (I)—Andhra Pradesh, Anakapalli, 1980] s. of late Shri S. Appalanaidu; b. at Pendurti Village, Visakhapatnam District, November 6, 1925; ed. at Rangoon, Burma; got primary education; m. Smt. Kondayyamma, 1946; 2 s. and 6 d.; Agriculturist; Minister of State for Fisheries and Minor Ports, Andhra Pradesh, 1969-71; village officer, 1944-64; Sarpanch of village, 1964-67; Member, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1967-71; Member, (i) Fifth Lok Sabha , 1971-77 and (ii) Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79; also Member, Committee on Papers Laid on the Table.
Social activities: Active participant in the developmental activities Of the village and youth movement.
Favourite pastime and recreation: Gardening, reading books and dramatic art.
Special interests: Uplift of backward classes and development of rural areas.
Travels abroad: Burma.
Permanent address: Pendurti Village and P.O., Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh.
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