PATIL, SHRI SADASHIV DAJI, B.A., LL.B., Cong., (Maharashtra-Sangli—1967): s. of Shri Patil Daji Vithoji; b. at Karakumb Maharashtra, January 23, 1911; ed. at North-Cote High School, Sholapur, Rajaram College, Kolhapur and Law College, Poona; m. Shrimati Sudha Tai Sadashiv Patil; 4 s. and 4 d.; pleader and farmer; practised in civil and criminal sides in Taluka and District Courts, 1940—62; President, Distt. Congress Committee, Sangli, 1954—58; first President, District Local Board Sangli, 1949- Vice-President and Chairman, Works and Finance Committees of Zilla Parishad, Sangli, since 1962; Member,—(i) District School Board (Primary Education), Satara and Sangli, 1946—62; (ii) Member, Legislative Assembly Old Bombay State, 1952—57; (iii) State Transport Advisory Council for 10 years; (iv) Board of Directors of the Distt. Central Cooperative Bank, Sangli, 1956—62; (v) State Level Consultative Council of Electricity, Maharashtra, 1961—66; and (vi) State Level Consultative Council for the Panchayat Raj, Maharashtra, 1963—67.
Social activities: Interested in social and educational activities; founded in 1945 an educational institution, W.T.E. Society by name with ”Educational Uplift of the Masses” as its motto; running four Higher Secondary Schools including one technical and one girls school, a primary Teachers’ Training College, one S.T.C, Institute and C.P.Ed. Institute in addition to above four.
Special interests: Social and economic development of the rural areas, especially the agriculturist class.
Permanent address: Radhakrishna Extension, ‘Krishna Kripa’, Sangli, Maharashtra.