MALIK, SHRI SATYA PAL, B.Sc., LL.B. [Janata Dal—Uttar Pradesh, Aligarh, 1989]: s. of Budh Singh; b. at Hisawada, Meerut District, Uttar Pradesh, July 24, 1946; ed. at Meerut College, Uttar Pradesh; m. Iqbal Malik, December 14, 1970; Agriculturist;
Public Offices held: Union Minister of State, Parliamentary Affairs and Tourism, April 21, 1990—November 10, 1990;
Previous Association with Political Parties: Gen. Secy. LD, 1975-77; Gen. Secy. Cong. (I), Uttar Pradesh, 1980-83, 1985-88; Secy. JD, 1989-91;
Previous Membership: Rajya Sabha, 1980-89; Legislative Assembly, Uttar Pradesh, 1974-77;
Committee Experience: Member, Panel of Chairman, December 1989-April 1990, General Purposes Committee, January 24, 1990 and Business Advisory Committee, May 14, 1990; Chairman, Joint Sub Committee on Telecasting of Proceedings of both Houses of Parliament, March 23, 1990, Chairman, Committee on Papers Laid on the Table, January 19, 1990-April 26, 1990; Member, Consultative Committee constituted under Punjab State Legislature (Delegation of Powers) Act, 1987; Jaunary 29, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Reading, music, photography;
Publications: Two books on Poetry and a Political Commentary under publication;
Delegation to Foreign Countries: Participated in World Youth Festival, Sofia (Bulgaria) 1968;
Travels Abroad: Singapore, USSR, Maldives, Dubai, Bulgaria;
Special Interests: History and Archaeology, pigeon flying, writing poetry;
Sports and Clubs: Member, Gymkhana Club, DLF Gurgaon;
Social Activities: Working and establishing day centres for the children of poor labourers;
Other Information: Organised various students’ and farmers’ movements; Gen. Secy. Samajvadi Yuvjan Sabha, 1969-71; Member, Court, AMU April 19, 1990;
Permanent Address: Vill. Hisawada, District Meerut, Uttar Pradesh.