Father’s NameDate of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Spouse’s Name
Educational Qualifications
Permanent Address
Present Address
Positions held
1962 onwards
1967-72; 1973 and 1976
1971 onwards
1980-81 and 1987-88
July, 1981 to Feb., 1985 and Jan., 1988 to Dec, 1989
Social and Cultural Activities
Special Interests
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Sports and Clubs
Countries visited
Other information
Shri Durga Prasad Mathur14th February, 1926
Marhi Kanungo in Guna (Madhya Pradesh)
Married on Ist January, 1946
Smt. Sushila Mathur
One son and two daughters
B.A., Diploma in Labour Welfare
Educated at Agra University and Bombay University
Political and Social worker
(a) A-87, Shyam Nagar, Jaipur (Rajasthan). Tel. 66808, 63483
(b) 43, Gandhi Nagar, Bhilwara (Rajasthan). Tel. 7437
C-l/16, Pandara Park, New Dclhi-110003. Tel. 3782096
Member, P.C.C., Rajasthan
Elected to Lok Sabha (Third)
Member, Committee on Subordinate Legislation
Member, Rajasthan Legislative Assembly
Minister of Education, Public Relations, P.W.D., Energy, Planning, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Rajastban
Member, A.I.C.C., Rajasthan
Member, Rajasthan Legislative Assembly
Chairman, Public Undertakings Committee
Committee on Subordinate Legislation and Rules Committee, Rajasthan Legislative Assembly
Chief Minister, Rajasthan
Re-elected to Lok Sabha (Tenth)
Chairman, Social Policy Research Institute, Jaipur
Research and Social Welfare
France, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Switzerland, U.A.E., U.K., U.S.A., Yugoslavia; Member, Indo-G.D.R. Friendship Association Delegation to East Germany
Participated in freedom struggle and suffered imprisonment in 1942.