Name of Member: Shri Sudhir Kumar Ghoshal
Political Party: Janata Party
Constituency & State: Midnapore (West Bengal)
Lok Sabha Experience: 6
6th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile |
GHOSAL, SHRI SUDHIR, Janata, (West Bengal—Midnapore—1977): s. of late Shri Kumud Nath Ghosal; b. at Sahaspore Village, Midnapore District, June, 1920; ed. at Garhleta, Midnapore, undergraduate; m. Smt. Ambu Rani Ghosal; 5 s. and 6 d.; Land Owner, Political and Social Worker; previously associated with Congress; took part in the freedom movement, office bearer of District Level and Member of State Organisation of Congress, 1947—72; Member (i) Block Level Panchayat and (ii) Zila Parishad; presently Member, Committee on Papers Laid on the Table.
Special interests: Working for the welfare of agricultural labour and peasants and industrial development of Midnapore.
Sports and clubs: Football; associated with Midnapore Sporting Club.
Permanent address: Colonelgala, Midnapore P.O. and District, West Bengal.
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